• Strategy: Supporting Youth Development Through STEM
  • Skill: Facilitating Inclusive Learning Experiences
  • Time: Length: 30 minutes
  • Guide Type: Meeting (small group)

Addressing Bullying

Participants will read guidelines from StopBulling.gov in order to plan how to address negative behavior or bullying with youth.


Participants will read guidelines from StopBulling.gov in order to plan how to address negative behavior or bullying with youth.


  • Introduction – 10 minutes
  • Reading about Bullying – 10 minutes
  • Addressing Bullying
  • Reflection – 10 minutes
  • Our Plan to Address Bullying

Download Guide

Staff Development Guides are available as downloadable PDF files. Guides include everything needed to conduct the professional development session, including handouts and links to the video-based learning module and hands-on learning activities. Click the link below to download this guide.

Download Guide