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Strategy: Supporting Youth Development Through STEM
Skill: Encouraging Collaborative STEM Work
Group Collaboration
Collaboration is an effective strategy to increase STEM learning especially when it happens during group work. Watch an experienced frontline staff member lead groups in the re-design process using group collaboration.
Video-Based Learning Module
As you watch the skill video below, think about these questions:
How does the frontline staff person introduce collaboration? (Listen at 0:29)
What do you notice about the interaction between groups and group members that promotes a positive collaboration? (Watch at 0:38 – 0:58)
How does the staff promote a safe collaboration-sharing experience with youth? (Listen at 1:03 and 1:21)
What are different strategies to encourage collaboration during STEM? What are strategies from the video you plan to use?
Now that you've watched the video, reflect on what you saw and post your responses.
From this video, how do you see group collaboration as a part of solving problems and building explanations of the natural world?
What do you notice is happening with youth and staff when someone is sharing?