• Strategy: Supporting Youth Development Through STEM
  • Skill: Managing Groups During STEM

Group Management During STEM

Learning Objectives

Participants will:

  • Describe group management strategies that OST staff can use to facilitate positive youth interactions during STEM investigations.
  • Explain the connection between knowing individual children well and managing groups well.
  • Identify techniques to make transitions between experiences less stressful.
  • Identify at least three ways that an out-of-school professional can re-energize after a challenging work day.

Get Started

Managing active children during science and engineering projects can be challenging even for seasoned out-of-school time staff. Learn how to structure STEM experiences and space for the most positive group interactions and learning. Through the advice of experts and front line staff, this module provides resources for safe, engaging group time during STEM experiences. Planning checklists and several activity instructions are included in this module.

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