• Strategy: Preparing for Success in STEM
  • Skill: Creating STEM Learning Environments

Maximizing STEM Space

Learning Objectives

Participants will:

  • Describe the OST STEM learning environment in a comprehensive way, and as more than a simple STEM learning center.
  • Analyze the current STEM programming space in an OST program, identifying strengths and challenges.
  • Stimulate wonder and creativity through intentional STEM space and materials arrangements, maximizing OST STEM learning opportunities.
  • Identify strategies to more fully engage youth in STEM programming by using outdoor spaces and off-site community locations.

Get Started

How staff arrange the environment can impact the way youth engage and experience science, engineering, and math learning in an out-of-school time program. Learn how to set up space and arrange materials to maximize youth involvement. Strategies from practitioners include creative use of outdoor and indoor space and use of open-ended materials. Learn how to create affordable spaces of wonder and inquiry that differ from traditional school environments.

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