• Strategy: Supporting Youth Development Through STEM
  • Skill: Managing Groups During STEM
  • Time: Length: 75 minutes
  • Guide Type: Training (large group)

Organization that Supports Group Management

Participants will engage with water droplet races to learn to manage groups during STEM.


Participants will engage with water droplet races to learn to manage groups during STEM.


  • Welcome – 5 minutes
  • Introduction – 5 minutes
  • What If? – 20 minutes
  • What If? Group Management Cards
  • See the Skill in Action – 10 minutes
  • Keeping the Group Focused Video-Based Learning Module
  • Hands-on Learning – 20 minutes
  • Water Drop Race Activity
  • Conclusion – 15 minutes

Download Guide

Staff Development Guides are available as downloadable PDF files. Guides include everything needed to conduct the professional development session, including handouts and links to the video-based learning module and hands-on learning activities. Click the link below to download this guide.

Download Guide