Facilitating Inclusive Learning Experiences

Staff and volunteers will design and continually attend to the social and emotional safety of youth and respond to the inequities when they occur.

As a result of ongoing, consistent professional development efforts, staff and volunteers will be able to:

  • Help students develop positive relations with their peers and caring adult
  • Promote a mutually respectful, relaxed, supportive environment that is characterized by encouraging new ideas and supporting different perspectives.
  • Model ways to give and receive constructive criticism, resolve conflict, and make mistakes.
  • Support students through the scientific process, encouraging trial and error in STEM learning environments.


Addressing Bullying

Participants will read guidelines from StopBulling.gov in order to plan how to address negative behavior or bullying with youth.

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Being More Inclusive

Participants will watch the “Welcoming Youth” learning module to learn to help youth feel included in the learning setting.

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Communication for a Safe Space

Participants will view “Supporting Youth Interactions in STEM Exploration” to learn to get all youth safely engaged in STEM learning.

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Confronting My Own Biases

Participants will take a Project Implicit test in order to reflect on the needs of nondominant youth in their program.

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Inclusive Investigations

Participants will watch the Promoting a Positive Climate Video-Based Learning Module to learn to help youth feel included in the learning setting.

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Seeing Youths’ Strengths

Participants will do the Parachute Design Challenge to learn strategies for preparing inclusive STEM learning opportunities.

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What We Do and Say Matters

Participants will design a Tumblewing Flyer to learn to facilitate inclusive STEM learning activities.

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Implementing Inclusive Practices

Participants will identify and analyze their own strengths and challenges in facilitating inclusive learning experiences.

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Learning From Our Own Failures

The participant will identify their role and attitude towards failure and strategies to implement in their practice.

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